3 Seminarians group

Our Three Seminarians

Posted : Dec-03-2017

On 16 September 2018, St. Maria Goretti Parish was honoured to be assigned three students from St. Augustine Seminary to assist at our Sunday Masses: Hilton Chiu, of the Archdiocese of Kingston, and James Cyfko & Alvin Joys, both from the Archdiocese of Toronto. Below are their biographies:

Hilton Chiu

My name is Hilton Chiu and I was born and raised in Richmond Hill, Ontario. In my spare time, you can find me “doing work” at a coffee shop, cooking up a storm, or going on a spontaneous adventure. Even as a child, I understood the importance of my Catholic faith and have tangibly felt God’s presence at every turn of my life.

I lived in Kingston for six years while studying at Queen’s University, where I completed an undergraduate degree in Biology, followed by a graduate degree in Molecular Genetics. During this time, I nurtured a deeper relationship with the Lord through my prayer, the Sacraments, and involvement with various ministries. The Eucharist has been central to my discernment, and it was through various profound encounters with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament that I heard His gentle whisper, inviting me to follow Him. Despite the many, many plans I had imagined for myself, I have accepted the Lord’s invitation to enter St. Augustine’s Seminary, to follow Him in a specific way, to listen more attentively, and to draw closer to His Most Sacred Heart.

As I embark on this discernment adventure and learn to abandon myself more to God’s will, please remember me in your prayers. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

James Cyfko

My name is James Cyfko, and I am in my 4th year of formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary, fulfilling my philosophy requirements in an undergraduate at Ryerson University! I grew up in a pretty practicing Catholic family, but it took a while for me to take the Faith seriously. When I was 8, the pastor at St. Joseph Church in Streetsville brought us into the sacristy to explain what all of the vestments meant. It was the first time that I realized that the Mass is not a play but that something far beyond any human was taking place. In reading saints books left lying around the house, I also started to crave that happiness which seemed to come from sacrificial love.

Going through Elementary and High School, I lived a bit of a double life — being one way around my friends, and another way at Church. I wanted to make the NHL, get married, and have children, with a possible career in communication or politics as my back-up plan. Even though I was on the ice almost every day and had an agent, I felt deep down in my heart a deep longing for happiness which was not being fulfilled on the ice. Even though I had good friendships with girls, I felt that there was a part of my heart which I could not offer — a part that was being reserved for something more.

I found a Spiritual Director who encouraged me to grow in holiness. Upon cultivating a prayer life, the call to give myself in sacrificial love kept getting stronger. After I talked to the diocesan Vocations Director, I applied and was accepted at St. Augustine Seminary. It is still a journey with difficult moments; but so far, the prospect of becoming a Priest has satisfied the deepest longings of my heart which God has placed there. Please pray for me and my brothers as we continue to discern!" 

Alvin Joys

Hello! My name is Alvin Joys, and I am a first year seminarian studying philosophy from St. Augustine Seminary. I was born in India but raised in Canada, where I have lived since the age of 5. I grew up in a very faithful house, and I can confidently say the faith I received has been a gift from God and my parents. I have one uncle who is a Priest in India, and he was the first encounter I had with what a Priest is. He planted the seeds of the Priesthood in my heart from a very young age. I grew up in Woodbridge, attending Elementary School and High School there. Upon graduation, I moved away to the University of Waterloo to study Computer Engineering. I have also been part of a Catholic Movement called Jesus Youth for about 10 years, and it has been a huge part of my life and faith formation. Through it, I have made amazing friends and role models, who push me every day to grow deeper in my faith and love of God. Having come to a decisive point in my life, I could no longer ignore God’s call to enter the Seminary. Trusting in his plan I decided to apply and join. I am looking forward to my time here at St. Maria Goretti, and I hope you will pray for James, Hilton and myself as we all continue to discern our vocation. God bless!